We are committed to reducing suicide among Pacific Islanders.
We are dedicated to restoring healthy relationships.
We are a comprehensive peer support service for safety and security.

Koko Samoa ma le kalanoa is open every Monday from 12 noon to 7 p .m.
We are also open 24 hours for regular appointments and to support you in your crisis. These will be scheduled for times outside of the kalanoa hours.
Robert's Place: Our Why
mission statement
Robert’s Place is dedicated to suicide prevention, intervention, and recovery access and advocacy within the Pacific Islander communities by restoring physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing through culturally responsive programs.

Suicide Facts

Board of Directors

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Gallery Snapshot
Support by attending, participating, and sharing with friends and family:
- Crisis Support and Clinical Referral Services.
- Support offered in English and Samoan.
- Suicide Gatekeeper Training.
- Mental Health Support Groups.
- Grief and Loss Support Groups.
- Faith Leader Support and Firesides.
- Events, Sports Clinics, and Tournaments.
All our programs and events are free. We want to make sure everyone is able to receive support without worrying about finances. Your help to sustain these services would be greatly appreciated.